620 Palestinian refugees have been tortured to death in Syrian government prisons.
32 Palestinian refugees taking shelter in Handarat Camp, north of Aleppo, have been secretly incarcerated in Syrian government prisons, a London-based human rights group reported on Wednesday.
The Action Group for Palestinians of Syria (AGPS) kept record of the names of over 1,790 Palestinians, including women and minors, who have been secretly held in Syrian state penitentiaries.
Another 620 Palestinian refugees have also been tortured to death in Syrian government prisons.
AGPS called on the Syrian government to disclose the fate of hundreds of Palestinians forcibly disappeared in state-run dungeons.
AGPS said it believes that the arbitrary internment of Palestinian refugees in war-torn Syria amounts to a war crime.
Many reports issued by AGPS provide details about the Palestinian victims of torture and enforced disappearance during the bloody conflict.
AGPS kept record of several cases where Palestinians have been kidnapped at government checkpoints or during assaults carried out by government troops on Palestinian refugee camps and shelters.