Displaced Palestinian refugees stream from Palestine on the road to Lebanon on November 4, 1948 [AP Photo/Jim Pringle]
A first-ever comprehensive study by historian Adam Raz reveals the extent to which Jews looted Arab property during the 1948 Nakba (mass-displacement of Palestinians from their homes and lands), and explains why Ben-Gurion stated: ‘Most of the Jews are thieves’, reported Haaretz daily in a recent article published on October 3.
“We turned a mahogany closet into a chicken coop and we swept up the garbage with a silver tray. There was chinaware with gold embellishments, and we would spread a sheet on the table and place chinaware and gold on it, and when the food was finished, everything was taken together to the basement”, a witness was quoted as stating in the book.
“In another place, we found a storeroom with 10,000 boxes of caviar, that’s what they counted. After that, the guys couldn’t touch caviar again their whole life. There was a feeling on one hand of shame at the behavior, and on the other hand a feeling of lawlessness”, added the witness.
“We spent 12 days there, when Jerusalem was groaning under horrible shortages, and we were putting on weight. We ate chicken and delicacies you wouldn’t believe. In [the headquarters at] Notre Dame, some people shaved with champagne”, the testimony proceeds.
The book provides instances on the misappropriation of Palestinian homes, shops, factories, farmlands, clothes, books, and other property.