UNICEF and UNRWA visit Burj Barajneh camp in Lebanon. (Photo: UNRWA)
A UNICEF delegation headed by the Global Director of Nutrition and Child Development, Victor Aguayo, visited the Palestinian refugee camp of Burj Barajneh on Monday 17 October 2022.
The visit highlighted the impact of the overarching economic challenges on food and nutrition security for Palestine Refugees.
The delegation visited the health centre where they were briefed on the living conditions of Palestine Refugees in Lebanon as well as UNRWA activities, in particular the Agency’s nutrition response amid a severe economic collapse in the country.
The visit spells out the continuous support of UNICEF to support UNRWA in alleviating the hardships of Palestine refugee population, in particular in addressing malnutrition, and more specifically stunting and micronutrient deficiencies amongst the most vulnerable Palestine refugee children and women.