Israeli Bulldozers Raze 2 Palestinian Houses in Northern West Bank

Israeli Bulldozers Raze 2 Palestinian Houses in Northern West Bank

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Israeli bulldozers on Wednesday morning razed two houses in Jalbun village, northeast of Jenin city, according to local sources.

Head of Jalbun Village Council, Ibrahim Abul-Rub, was quoted by WAFA news agency as saying that Israeli forces escorted two military bulldozers into the village, where the heavy machineries demolished a 200-square-meter house under construction of Khaled Abul-Rub and a 120-square-meter house belonging to Amir Abu Seif, purportedly for being constructed without licenses.

He added that the demolition of the family house of Abu Seif resulted in the displacement of his five-member family.

The houses are adjacent to Israel’s apartheid wall, which runs from Salem checkpoint to the village and is constructed entirely within the occupied West Bank.

During ensuing confrontations, the gun-toting soldiers fired volleys of stun grenades and tear gas canisters towards local youths attempting to block their passage.

Head of the Village Council was hit by a tear gas canister in the ear. He was rushed to a hospital for treatment.

Israel demolishes Palestinian houses and structures almost on a daily basis as a means to achieve “demographic control” of the occupied territories.

Israel denies planning permits for Palestinians to build on their own land or to extend existing houses to accommodate natural growth, particularly in Jerusalem and Area C, which constitutes 60 percent of the occupied West Bank and falls under full Israeli military rule, forcing residents to build without obtaining rarely-granted permits to provide shelters for their families.

In contrast, Israel argues that building within existing colonial settlements is necessary to accommodate the “natural growth” of settlers. Therefore, it much more easily gives over 700,000 Jewish Israeli settlers there building permits and provides them with roads, electricity, water and sewage systems that remain inaccessible to many neighboring Palestinians.

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