Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian Structures near Jerusalem without Prior Notice

Israeli Forces Demolish Palestinian Structures near Jerusalem without Prior Notice

Palestinians stand by the remains of their homes after they were demolished by Israeli authorities in Jerusalem. (File photo:

Israeli occupation forces on Monday demolished a number of Palestinian structures in Jerusalem city.

Palestinian sources said the Israeli bulldozers demolished a wall, a commercial structure and levelled a plot of land owned by local resident Akram Shuqairat, in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabal Al Mukkaber.

Israeli bulldozers also demolished a wall owned by local residnet Kareem Abu Tayeh in the town of Silwan, south of Al Aqsa mosque.

Yesterday,  Israeli police force accompanied by bulldozers stormed Jabal Al Mukabir neighborhood before proceeding to demolish a two-storey home sheltering the families of Rateb and Husam Matar, displacing the two families, including children and women.

Demolitions of Palestinian homes across the occupied territories has seen a spike since the swearing-in of the new far-right Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu, whose members like Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich publicly advocate for the expulsion of Palestinians and the demolitions of as many homes as possible to expedite the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people.

Israel has begun to the process of demolishing 14 Palestinian houses in Jerusalem, implementing the Israeli Cabinet's orders.

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