UN Refugee Agency Launches New Registration Mobile Platform for Palestine Refugees

UN Refugee Agency Launches New Registration Mobile Platform for Palestine Refugees

Palestine refugees use the new eUNRWA mobile platform. (Photo: UNRWA)

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) launched an interactive bilingual mobile platform (eUNRWA) to enhance registration services for Palestine refugees and other eligible persons within its fields of operation and beyond.

Through eUNRWA, Palestine refugees and other eligible persons can view their individual and family registration information and submit registration applications for new descendants, marriages, divorces, deaths, and other amendments.

Palestine refugees will also be able to update their address and contact details, track the status of their registration applications, and download their Family Registration eCard.

UNRWA said the  new platform is a key pillar in the Agency’s Digital Transformation Strategy, and is governed by a rigorous data protection, security and privacy framework.

The platform was developed by the UNRWA Eligibility and Registration Division within the Relief and Social Services Department (RSSD) and the Information Management and Technology Department (IMTD) in partnership with the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC).

UNRWA said the app is available for download on Google Play and is coming soon to the App Store, calling on Palestinian refugees to visit www.unrwa.org/eunrwa for more information.

UNRWA maintains active files of about 5.9 million registered Palestine refugees and over 750,000 other persons of concern who have been identified as eligible for UNRWA services according to its Consolidated Eligibility and Registration Instructions.

The registration records constitute the master database for the Agency’s management of all its human development and humanitarian services. 

The archived documentation materials dating back to 1948 are also a valuable historical resource, whose preservation is an integral part of the protection of Palestine refugee rights under international law.

UNRWA publishes on a quarterly basis a Registered Population Dashboard which displays the main characteristics of its registered population using interactive charts and tables.

Short Link : http://bit.ly/3IbWptT