EU: 953 Palestine Structures Demolished by Israel in 2022

EU: 953 Palestine Structures Demolished by Israel in 2022

Palestinians look at the rubble left behind after Israeli forces demolished Palestinian owned buildings on 18 October 2018. (File photo)

Israeli occupation authorities demolished 953 Palestinian structures in the Occupied West Bank last year, according to the European Union on Tuesday.

"In 2022, a total of 953 structures were demolished or seized throughout the West Bank, including Jerusalem," the EU Representative Office for the Palestinians said in a statement.

The number of demolitions constitutes "the highest number recorded since 2016", the office said.

According to the statement, more than 80 per cent of the demolished structures – 781 structures – were located in Area C of the West Bank, which is under Israel's full military control, displacing nearly 1,031 Palestinians.

"Of the structures targeted in the twelve-month reporting period, 101 structures were funded by the EU or EU member states (valued at $366.960), representing the third highest financial injury since 2016," the statement said.

The EU statement also cited 849 settlers' attacks against Palestinians in 2022.

There was no comment from Israeli authorities on the EU statement.

Israel widely uses the pretext of lack of construction permits to demolish Palestinian structures, especially in Area C.

Under the 1995 Oslo Accords between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, was divided into three portions – Area A, B, and C.

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