Washington Post: Israeli Agents Conducted Deadly Raid in Civilian Area, Killing Palestinian Child

Washington Post: Israeli Agents Conducted Deadly Raid in Civilian Area, Killing Palestinian Child

The Washington Post produced a 3D reconstruction of a key moment during a March 16 Israeli raid in central Jenin in the West Bank. (Telegram/The Washington Post)

An investigative report published in The Washington Post on Friday refuted Israel’s official version regarding a military raid carried out in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on March 16.

The Israeli raid left four Palestinians killed, including a 16-year-old child.

The Washington Post’s report was based on the synchronization of 15 videos and the reviewing of dozens more.

Additionally, the conclusion was drawn based on the detailed eyewitness accounts of “nine witnesses and obtained testimonies from four others to produce a 3D reconstruction of the raid.”

The investigation rejected Israel’s version of the events that occupation soldiers targeted “armed suspects”.

“Israeli forces killed Omar,” the investigative journalists Imogen Piper, Meg Kelly, and Louisa Loveluck wrote, referring to 16-year-old Omar Awadin.

“(The) Israeli authorities have not publicly commented on his death,” they added.

“Omar was among at least 16 civilians in the area as the (Israeli occupation) officers charged down the street with AR-style rifles and a handgun, firing more than 20 shots and killing the (alleged) two militants, neither of whom was visibly armed,” The Post continued.

Moreover, Israeli forces kept shooting “multiple times” on a Palestinian man “after he was incapacitated — an apparent extrajudicial execution that experts said could violate Israeli law,” the investigation concluded.

The raid was conducted by Yamam, the undercover unit of Israel’s border police.

Aside from Awadin, three more Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces. They were identified as Nedal Khazem, 28, Yousef Khreim, 29, and Louay Khalil Al-Zughair, 37.

Short Link : https://prc.org.uk/en/news/5750