Cultural Event Organized at Palestinian Refugee Camp in Jordan

Cultural Event Organized at Palestinian Refugee Camp in Jordan

The “Meeting of Urban Artists and Boa Mistura Mural Intervention” was organized in Marka Palestine Refugee Camp (Jordan).

The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Embassy of Spain to Jordan, in collaboration with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), organized the "Meeting of Urban Artists and Boa Mistura Mural Intervention in Marka Palestine Refugee Camp (Jordan)" cultural event in Amman.

The event was also organized in cooperation with the Department of Palestinian Affairs of the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Spanish artistic collective Boa Mistura, and the Jordanian artistic association Al Balad Theatre.

The initiative, centered around street art, was carried out by Boa Mistura at the UNRWA Marka Boys' School between 9-22 June 2023. The event saw the participation of both young Jordanian artists, who received practical training on large scale street art interventions by Boa Mistura’s artists, and Palestine Refugee school students from the Marka camp community.

The artistic intervention was developed under the framework of the the Spanish Cooperation ACERCA Program for Training for Development in the cultural sector. A mural was created on the school's playground, and drew inspiration from the rich tradition of Palestinian embroidery. By incorporating this ancestral tradition, Boa Mistura paid homage to the cultural heritage of the children who engage with this space on a daily basis.

The Embassy of Spain and the Spanish Cooperation, along with all the stakeholders involved, acknowledged the transformative power of culture and art in empowering communities and driving development. Through the ACERCA activity, UNRWA students aged 10 to 16 actively participated in the mural project, fostering a profound sense of ownership and pride in their contribution.

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