Chief of Palestine Refugee Agency in Paris for 1st Visit

Chief of Palestine Refugee Agency in Paris for 1st Visit

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini (left) is met by French Minister of Foreign Affairs Catherine Colonna (right) for a meeting in Paris on 27 June 2023. (Photo: MEAE)

The Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), Philippe Lazzarini, completed his first visit to France in his capacity as the head of the Agency.

In a press release, UNRWA said Lazzarini met with high-level officials of the French Government and members of the National Assembly, the Senate and civil society.

“We are very grateful for France's robust financial and political support to Palestine Refugees. As a member of the Security Council and a strong contributor to multilateralism, humanitarian and development action, France is one of UNRWA’s major and long-standing partners since 1949”, said the Commissioner-General.

“The increased support of the French Government to the Agency’s services in education and health in 2023 to our services across the region is even more relevant in Lebanon, where almost every Palestine Refugee lives in poverty”, added Lazzarini.

Between 26 and 28 June, Lazzarini discussed the situation in the Middle East and the role of UNRWA with the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Directors of the Ministry, the Middle East Advisor to the French President, parliamentarians and senators representing different parties and regions in France.

During a visit to the Institut du Monde Arabe, the UNRWA Commissioner-General explored with the head of the institute ways to partner, especially on the heels of the current exhibition on display, celebrating Palestinian arts and culture. He also had an in-depth conversation with a group of academic experts and journalists who all specialise in the region and its complex geopolitics. 

All the meetings constructively focused on finding ways to further strengthen the Agency's partnership with France, avenues to continue delivering basic services, in particular the challenges that UNRWA faces. The rights of Palestine Refugees to a dignified life and basic services were at the centre of all the discussions.

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