UNRWA Director Meets Health Staff in Ein El Hilweh Refugee Camp

UNRWA Director Meets Health Staff in Ein El Hilweh Refugee Camp

Ein ElHilweh has been the scene of a large number of violent clashes and attacks over the decades. (Photo: AP)

Director of UNRWA Affairs in Lebanon, Dorothee Klaus, conducted her second visit to Ein El Hilweh, following the recent clashes that took place in the camp.

At UNRWA Health Centre II, Dr. Klaus met with the health staff, and heard from them about their working conditions, concerns, and challenges. Among these were issues related to the safety and security of UNRWA personnel, and procedures for evacuation during instances of armed clashes.

Dr. Klaus stressed that the security and safety of UNRWA staff and the camp's residents remains her utmost priority. She explained that she and her team are engaged in daily monitoring of the situation to ensure the fulfillment of this commitment.

In the effort to enhance security and safety measures for UNRWA staff in Ein El Hilweh camp, the meeting concluded with an agreement to provide security and safety training for the staff, in addition to arranging transportation to and from the camp through the utilization of UNRWA buses.

"I greatly value the dedication of our staff to their roles, even in the face of challenges, as they serve the Palestine Refugee community. My team and I are committed to offering the support our staff needs during these difficult times," she said.

UNRWA provides services to nearly 50,000 Palestine Refugees in the Ein El Hilweh Camp 

Like many other Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon and neighbouring countries, Ein el-Hilweh was established in the aftermath of the 1948 Nakba, which means “catastrophe”.

The Nakba was the expulsion of at least 750,000 Palestinians from their homes, villages and towns by Zionist militias during the establishment of the Israeli state.

Ein el-Hilweh was originally established by the International Committee of the Red Cross, and most of its early inhabitants had been displaced from northern Palestinian coastal towns.

The refugee population in Ein el-Hilweh continued to grow after 2011 when Syria’s civil war broke out after Bashar al-Assad cracked down on anti-government protests. Millions of people were displaced, including Palestinian refugees who were residing in Syria. Many sought safety in Lebanon and resettled in the camp.

Short Link : https://prc.org.uk/en/news/5892