Every Bombing of Palestinian Refugee Camps 'Is a Prick of Human Conscience', Says China on 76th Nakba Anniversary

Every Bombing of Palestinian Refugee Camps 'Is a Prick of Human Conscience', Says China on 76th Nakba Anniversary

Israel is using the Hamas attacks as a cover to carry out a second Nakba that has been decades in the making. (Photo via The New Arab)

On the 76th anniversary of Nakba Day, China on Wednesday urged the international community to put an end to Israel’s ongoing assault on the Gaza Strip, saying every bombing of Palestinian refugee camps “is a prick of human conscience”, Anadolu Agency reported.

“How much longer will the humanitarian crisis in Gaza be allowed to go on? When will the Palestinian people be freed from their excruciating suffering?” Vice Foreign Minister, Hu Chunying, said in a statement on X.

The statement commemorates the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, also known as the Palestinian Catastrophe, in which tens of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homes and lands in 1948 to make way for Israel’s creation.

Recalling that more than half of the Palestinian population was expelled from their homes 76 years ago, Chunying said: “76 years on, an even greater injustice is being done to them.”

Separately, China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, Wang Wenbin, said the situation for Palestinians who were driven out of their homes during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war and moved to Gaza has “further worsened” now.

“Today’s Gaza Strip is left in ruins and rubble. Those wounded and ill cannot receive timely treatment, those hungry cannot obtain basic necessities, and those escaping from the disaster have nowhere to go,” Wang told reporters in Beijing.

He said, “People cannot help but ask, for how long will the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza drag on and when will the Palestinian people be able to see an end to their suffering?”

Opposing the expansion of Israeli operations into Rafah, he said China “opposes collective punishment on the people in Gaza”.

Israel has waged a brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip in retaliation for a 7 October, 2023, Hamas attack, which killed 1,200 people.

However, since then, it has been revealed by Haaretz that helicopters and tanks of the Israeli army had, in fact, killed many of the 1,139 soldiers and civilians claimed by Israel to have been killed by the Palestinian Resistance.

More than 35,200 Palestinians have since been killed in Gaza, mostly women and children, and over 79,100 others injured, according to Palestinian health authorities.

Over seven months into the Israeli war, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins, pushing 85 per cent of the enclave’s population into internal displacement amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine, according to the UN.

Israel stands accused of genocide at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which, in January, issued an interim ruling that ordered it to stop genocidal acts and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

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