The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) is gravely concerned about the escalating attack on the Palestinian refugees in Iraq.
PRC has informed all British and European MPs, including the British Foreign secretary, of the unfolding situation. Additionally, many letters have been sent to some embassies in the United Kingdom to inform them about what’s happening there. Last week the Palestinian ambassador in Iraq said, “the situation of the 7000 Palestinian Refugees living in Iraq is worse than any other concentration of Palestinian refugees in the world”.Before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, Palestinian refugees there numbered 35,000. Now there are only 7,000.The PRC has been closely monitoring the case of Palestinian refugees from Iraq, even coordinating a cross party, parliamentary delegation to the refugee camps in Syria, where thousands of Palestinian refugees from Iraq were detained following their escape from targeted violence. The PRC worked with the Syrian government, UNRWA and UNHCR, in expediting resettlement and closure of the camps and has also followed many of the families resettled in far away as Brazil, India and Cyprus in documenting their plight. PRC has learnt that the situation for those remaining is desperately insecure following further attacks this month by Iraqi security forces and unknown gunman on Baladiyat residential area, in Baghdad, which houses many of the Palestinian refugees. They destroyed homes and physically abused residents. The violence was such that many were desperate enough to flee to a very unstable country, Syria, where hundreds have died and thousands more have fled. “This is an intolerable situation” said Mr. Zeer, Director of PRC, “a new democracy put in place by Western governments, must uphold basic democratic principles and defend its minority. We have pleaded with our MP’s, the Foreign Secretary, William Hague, all European MPs, and the EU Foreign Secretary, Catherine Ashton, to demand reassurances from the Iraqi government that measures are in place to prevent further attacks against vulnerable minorities”.