CONTENTS1 INTRODUCTION and HEADLINES Page 32 ISRAEL AND THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES Page 43 UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) Page 64 INTERNATIONAL NEWS Page 76 COMMENTARY Page 10INTRODUCTIONFor the past 62 years, millions of Palestinians have been living as refugees in areas of the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) and in surrounding host countries - mostly in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has described their plight as “by far the most protracted and largest of all refugee problems in the world today”While there is much focus on the Israeli Palestinian conflict on a political level there is very little, if any, mention of the refugees and internally displaced Palestinians who comprise three quarters of the global Palestinian population. There is also very little attention given to the routine demolition and expulsion which continue to swell the number of refugees. The 7.1 Million Palestinian refugees face many difficult challenges which require greater attention from the international community.This bulletin provides an update on the condition of Palestinian refugees around the world over the past month. It covers stories from the Occupied Territories, internally displaced Palestinians in Israel, UNRWA, host countries, Palestinians in the Diaspora and commentaries relating to the refugees.HEADLINES• Israeli Army Invades Jenin and Abducts Palestinians• Palestinian Refugees Consider a Model for Return • UN Special Rapporteur Urges Greater Protection for Palestinian Children• Palestinian Cancer Patients Protest Meager Funds for Treatment• Eight Wounded in Lebanon Bomb Blast and Palestinian Refugee Camp