The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) is making preparations for its 2012 conference, planned for later this year.
This year’s conference will focus on UN resolution 194, which has not been implemented for 64 years.
Resolution 194 is a major cornerstone for peace and justice in Palestine and this conference will provide in-depth analysis and discussion about its origins, interpretations, Israel’s refusal in implementing the resolution and the future of 194.
750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed to make way for the Jewish state. Their desperate plight lead the UN to declare Resolution 194, which was simply an affirmation of internationally agreed legal principles that were binding on states, to allow refugees to return to their place of origin and also prohibited mass expulsions.
Ever since, Palestinian refugees have languished in refugee camps and many are stuck in an endless cycle of violence and exile.
Israel, instead of taking steps to implement the resolution and working with other parties and institutions, to facilitate the process of return and restitution, has worked tirelessly to undermine it.
The conference will dispel many of the false arguments used to deny the right of return such as the lack of physical space, the desire to maintain a demographic Jewish majority, state security and even international law.
Many leading experts will be speaking at the event. They will be joined by politicians, policy makers and activists from around the world. The event is open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend.
More details about the conference will follow in the coming weeks and months.