Join us: Seminar at Houses of Parliament:Scotland and Palestine

Join us: Seminar at Houses of Parliament:Scotland and Palestine

Seminar at Houses of Parliament: "Scotland and Palestine" Building Friendship and Solidarity


Tommy Sheppard MP

(Scottish National Party (SNP) Member of Parliament (MP), SNP Spokesperson on the Cabinet Office and member of SNP Friends of Palestine)

invites you to participate in an event titled


"Scotland and Palestine" Building Friendship and Solidarity


Organised by

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) and Council of European Palestinian Relations (CEPR)

Panel members will discuss Scottish-Palestinian relations in light of the landslide victory of the SNP in the May General elections. Speakers will discuss ways and mechanism to solidify the Scottish support and Westminster and also in Scotland.


Chair, Tommy Sheppard MP


Palestinian Ambassador to the UK, Prof. Manuel Hassassian

Parallels between Scottish and Palestinian independence


Scottish Campaigner and Director of SNP Friends of Palestine, Andy Murray 


Palestinian-British historian, Karl Sabbagh

Britain and Palestine


Representatives from the PRC and the CEPR will also address the audience.

Date: Tuesday 17th November 2015

Time: 18:00 to 19:30

Venue: Committee Room 9, Houses of Parliament Please

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RSVP: Book your ticket here or send us an email at [email protected] to confirm your attendance at this event.

Seats are limited

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