Press Release
John Kerry's Speech Violates International Law by Neglecting the Right of Return
London, 29th December 2016
The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) has followed up closely the speech of American Secretary of State, John Kerry which focused on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Mr. Kerry's speech provided an American vision to solve the conflict, which in essence pose a danger for Palestinian’s rights, particularly the right of return of refugees.
The call of Mr. Kerry to resettle refugees in countries other than their homes is unacceptable and is in violation of international law.
On the basis of our committed position in defending the rights of Palestinian refugees and as an organization in special consultative status with the UN ECOSOC we confirm on the following:
1- Annulling the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees is against international law, UN resolutions and Universal Declaration for Human Rights, which all ensure the right to return is protected.
2- Ignoring the right to return for millions of Palestinian refugees will indeed make attempts to achieve peace fail. The return of Palestinian refugees must be implemented; it is already being practiced by UN agencies in other parts of the world.
3- Any attempt of discussions or negotiations should be based and comply with international law and not to violate it. The right of return is well enshrined in international law.
4- The reference of Mr. Kerry to the Nakba and Palestinians refugees’ plight is a new recognition of their suffering. The only way to end it is to allow them to return to their homes and villages.