PRC: Int’l Community Should Take Urgent Action against Imminent Israeli Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah

PRC: Int’l Community Should Take Urgent Action against Imminent Israeli Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah

London, 8 May 2021

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) has been deeply concerned about the latest surge in violence by the Israeli occupation forces and Jewish settlers against Palestinians in the occupied Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, where hundreds of refugee families continue to face the threat of forcible eviction.

PRC strongly condemns Israel’s imminent eviction of Palestinians which dovetails Israel’s attempt to ethnically cleanse the holy city, in violation of its obligations under international humanitarian law and UN resolutions.

If unaddressed, the eviction plan could lead to the displacement of over 500 Palestinians, including women, children, and elderly civilians, from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah. These vulnerable categories will be left without roofs over their heads, in a stark reminder of the crime of mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland in 1948, in what has become notoriously known as the Nakba (catastrophe).

The international community should intervene immediately to stop the Israeli eviction plan and pressurize Israel to abide by its obligations under international law.

Israel has occupied East Jerusalem since the 1967 Middle East war and considers the entire city its capital, though this has never been recognised by the vast majority of the international community.

The international community should step up pressure on all concerned parties in order to protect the Palestinians and secure their inalienable rights, including their right to stay on their native land and establish an independent Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital.

A lasting solution to the Palestinian refugee plight should also see the day. Palestinian refugees should be granted their right to return to their motherland as per international law and conventions.

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