PRC Calls On UNHRC to Take Action against Israel’s Forced Eviction of Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah

PRC Calls On UNHRC to Take Action against Israel’s Forced Eviction of Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) in London called for urgent and serious action by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in response to Israel’s intent to force Palestinians out of their homes in occupied Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

This came in an oral statement delivered as part of Agenda Item 7 of the UNHRC’s General Debate in Geneva.

PRC’s speaker Bilal Salaymeh said that tensions have recently prevailed in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood as several Palestinian families have faced eviction by the Israeli settler groups.

“Dozens of families in Sheikh Jarrah still face the threat of ethnic cleansing and forced displacement from their homes in favor of settlement projects”, said PRC. “Settlers continue their attacks on Sheikh Jarrah, while the Israeli authorities tighten their arbitrary measures against Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in an attempt to displace them. Many people are at risk of becoming homeless without compensation or alternative housing.”

PRC added that the Israeli occupation forces assaulted and dispersed peaceful protesters outside the house of the ''Salem'' family in Jerusalem's Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. “The Salem family is facing imminent eviction, following the confiscation of a land plot by settlers. Since the beginning of 2020, Israeli courts have ordered the eviction of 13 Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah.”

PRC’s speaker further stated that the Israeli occupation police attacked solidarity activists in Sheikh Jarrah by beating and pushing them. In addition, they imposed a siege and closure on the neighborhood and arrested dozens of families and solidarity activists.

PRC called on the Human rights council to pressurize Israel to cease the forced displacement of the Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah and to release the Palestinian prisoners who were recently arrested for standing up for Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and Jerusalem against Israeli violations.


Watch the statement here:


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