The Palestinian Return Centre Hosts Talk on Palestinian Women’s Rights in Fermanagh, Ireland

The Palestinian Return Centre Hosts Talk on Palestinian Women’s Rights in Fermanagh, Ireland

The Palestinian Return Centre hosted a talk on Palestinian women’s right, and the role of Palestinian women in Palestine. The talk took place on Saturday 4th February, at a Palestine Art Exhibition in Fermanagh, Ireland.

Farrah Koutteineh, speaking on behalf of the Palestinian Return Centre, spoke on the fundamental role Palestinian women have played throughout Palestine’s history when it has come to resisting the occupation. Koutteineh narrated the stories of several Palestinian women integral to the Palestinian struggle such as Hind Al Husseini, Rim Banna, Ahed Tamimi, Naila Ayesh, as well as giving an insight into the role of Palestinian women’s unions and trade unions in political organising and mobilisation against the occupation.

Koutteineh then spoke on the plight that female Palestinian political prisoners face at the hands of Israeli incarceration. From torture, to no pre or post natal care, to exploiting societal norms to extract false confessions from female prisoners.

The talk was well attended, with attendees expressing their unwavering solidarity with Palestine, and leading a banner drop saying “Free Palestine” at the main bridge in Fermanagh.

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