PRC Condemns Israel’s Criminal Assault on Jenin Refugee Camp

PRC Condemns Israel’s Criminal Assault on Jenin Refugee Camp

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) condemns, in the strongest terms, Israel’s raid on the northern occupied West Bank city of Jenin and its refugee camp, during which at least eight Palestinians were killed and dozens more injured.

PRC has been deeply concerned by Israel’s military air raids on the Jenin refugee camp, where Israeli troops carried out an ongoing large-scale attack that involved a missile and the killing of innocent civilians. Israel launched at least 10 air attacks in Jenin overnight on Monday, sending smoke billowing from the wreckage of buildings and causing heavy damage to homes and roads.

Eye-witnesses told PRC that the Israeli army deliberately fired live ammunition in their homes while others said they found bullets on their front door and across the walls.

The international community and United Nations bodies should take urgent action in response to increasing Israeli crimes and settler terrorism across the occupied Palestinian territories.

Israel should be held accountable for its mass killings, which make part of a collective punishment tactic against the Palestinians. Action should be immediately taken in response to the fact that the army bulldozers destroyed several streets in the camp to prevent the movement of cars and ambulances.

Israel is not only targeting people, but the infrastructure of the camp as well.  The army cut off all electricity, telecommunications and water. This is collective punishment for all residents of Jenin, and particularly the refugee camp.

By targeting defenceless civilians in such a barbaric way, the Israeli occupation is confirming once again that it is not only an apartheid state but also a terror state.

All concerned human rights and humanitarian actors should immediately and effectively take action against this reckless crime resulting from Israel’s use of excessive and indiscriminate force and which represents a flagrant violation of the provisions of international law and international legitimacy.

PRC also calls for serious measures by the international community to ensure access to all injured and provide protection for Palestinians in all occupied territories.

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