PRC Addresses UNHRC over Israeli Suppression of Palestinian Political Prisoners

PRC Addresses UNHRC over Israeli Suppression of Palestinian Political Prisoners

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) in London delivered a statement at the United Nations Human Rights Council under Agenda Item 7 about Israel’s mistreatment of Palestinian detainees.

“In recent weeks, Israel’s National Security Minister has intensified his cruel treatment of Palestinian prisoners, proposing to introduce further inhumane policies such as to legislate the death sentence exclusively against Palestinians,” said PRC. 

PRC said that as of this past June, there are an estimated 4,900 Palestinian prisoners imprisoned in Israeli prisons, including more than 1,100 administrative detainees.

The statement added that since Ben-Gvir has been elected, he has initiated various policy measures exclusively against Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails depriving them of their fundamental human rights, including a ban on visits by Israeli Members of the Knesset to Palestinian prisoners, termination of the option of early release orders of Palestinian administrative detainees, cutting medical care obligations such as dental care, and restrictions on shower times and other amenities.

PRC said Israel must comply with the UN’s Declaration of Human rights that clearly outlines every human being's innate right to health and wellbeing and to adhere to the ICESCR, the UN’s international human rights treaty adopted in 1966 which clearly states that “prisoners have a right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health’’.

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