PRC Calls for Independent & Urgent Investigation into Israel's Horrendous Massacre at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital

PRC Calls for Independent & Urgent Investigation into Israel's Horrendous Massacre at Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital

The Palestinian Return Centre in London said that the massacres and widespread destruction that befell Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza is a crime against humanity that took place before the eyes of the world over more than two weeks.

Al-Shifa complex, the largest and most sophisticated medical and health structure in the besieged Gaza Strip, has been razed to the ground and rendered completely out of service by Israeli forces.

The Israeli occupation forces killed more than 300 Palestinians in and around the hospital and detained more than 900 others in 14 days of relentless bombardment.

The entire facility has been burned to a crisp and several bodies have been trapped under rubble while their relatives have been unable to retrieve them.

Eye-witnesses reported finding bodies strewn inside and outside the facility. Army bulldozers had ploughed over a makeshift cemetery inside the hospital compound, where there were still patients, medical workers and displaced people sheltering.

PRC said, the attack amounts to a state terrorism and a war crime. It breaches international human rights and humanitarian laws and conventions given the nature of the place and the fact that thousands of Palestinians were at the hospital when it happened.

According to international humanitarian law (IHL), health establishments and units, including hospitals, should not be attacked. This protection extends to the wounded and sick as well as to medical staff and means of transport.

Israel and its allies should be brought before international courts and held accountable for war crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza. If serious action is not taken immediately, these crimes could spiral into unabated regional violence.

PRC urges the concerned UN bodies to launch an independent and urgent probe into Israel's horrendous massacre against civilians and humanitarian workers and the unprecedented and unjustified destruction it has brought upon the medical facility.

PRC warns that the absence of accountability for such war crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza would unleash the hands of the perpetrators, individuals and government, towards more violations, calling for this crime to be placed before the International Criminal Court alongside the International Court of Justice.

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