Workshop: Mapping Palestine: for its survival or destruction

Workshop: Mapping Palestine: for its survival or destruction

The Palestinian Return Centre


Mapping Palestine: for its survival or destruction

Using Documents to Prove Rights and to Correct Wrongs, By Professor Salman Abu Sitta

Date and Time: 12th November, 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Chaired by: Martin Linton (Director of Labour Friends of Palestine)

Venue: Central Hall Westminster

Storey's Gate, Westminster

London SW1H 9NH

Room: Aldersgate

Refreshments available

Professor Abu Sitta will redraw the contours of Israeli landscape by documenting the erasure of Palestinian history and the ongoing Nakba.

Professor Abu Sitta will map the history of Palestinian Exile. The presentation will provide a historical and forensic analysis of the mechanism of expulsion, which began in 1947 and continues even today. It will also provide graphic illustrations of the policy of expulsion which he has documented in his new atlas. The atlas contains names and descriptions of Palestinians villages that have been demolished. It also provides names, description and location of villages which Israel does not recognize.

Many Thousands of Palestinians still carry deeds to their lands and properties. The towns and villages from which they were expelled have been erased from Israeli Maps. Israeli maps also fail to document existing villages that have existed many years before any Israeli settlements and villages. They have no recognition, no security and are denied any basic services from the government.


For more information contact The Palestinian Return Centre:

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 0208-453-0919


* [Researcher on Palestine land and people.  Founder and President of Palestine Land Society (London).  Author of : "The Atlas of Palestine 1948", 2005, "The Return Journey", 2007 and "From Refugees to Citizens at Home", 2001.  and "The Atlas of Palestine 1917-1966", 2010. General Coordinator of the Right of Return Congress.]


Palestinian Return Centre

100H Crown House, North Circular Road

London NW10 7PN

Tel: +44 20 84530919

Fax: +44 20 84530994


email: [email protected]



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