Event: Remembering Israel’s war on Gaza

Event: Remembering Israel’s war on Gaza

Remembering Israel’s war on GazaEND THE SIEGE ON GAZA


•    Vigil outside the Israeli embassy in London 27 December 2010, 1-3pm to mark the second year of the start of Operation Cast Lead. •    Rally for Gaza on Tuesday 18 January 2011, 7pm, Conway Hall, Holborn, London.Between 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009, over 1400 Palestinians were killed by Israel in a brutal and illegal attack on the Gaza Strip, destroying lives and infrastructure. Two years on, Gaza’s infrastructure has still not been repaired due to Israel’s blockade. Families are still living in tents. UN schools are unable to rebuild as Israel blocks concrete and building supplies. Join us, and bring family and friends, to send a clear message – END THE SIEGE ON GAZA! FREE PALESTINE! Organised by: Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, Stop the War Coalition, British Muslim Initiative, Friends of Al Aqsa, Palestinian Forum in Britain, Viva Palestina, Palestinian Return Centre.

Short Link : http://bit.ly/2Ccpy83