Who We Are

The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) is an independent, non-partisan, organisation committed to advocating for Palestinian refugees, in accordance with the historical, political and legal basis of the right to return.

PRC educates the public, defends human rights, and empowers Palestinian refugees, in order to put the plight of the refugees back on the political agenda.

Although the PRC is Palestinian in origin, it is not affiliated to any particular organization or party. We work on the assumption that the plight of the Palestinians is not just a national liberation movement but in essence is about the core values and ideals that are at the centre of any human civilization and international law.

In July 2015, PRC was granted consultative status at the United Nations as a Non-governmental organization (NGO) in special consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), in recognition of its efforts in standing up for Palestinian human rights.


For more details about the PRC please download this brochoure:



Our Funding:

The Palestinian Return Centre PRC depends primarily on donations from people who believe in its cause. It accepts contributions in money from any source as long as there are no strings or conditions attached. Hence it urges all interested persons and investors to support its efforts.

The founders of the PRC believe that the refugee issue is much larger than the efforts of any single institution, organization or grouping. For this reason the PRC wishes to share the responsibility of explaining this issue to the various stakeholders and work towards directing the final return of the refugees to Palestine.

Accordingly, our work compliments and does not contradict any other effort aimed at realizing Palestinian national aspirations. The PRC will, therefore, coordinate with and place all its resources at the disposal of any individual or group working for the advancement of our cause.


Short Link : https://prc.org.uk/en/post/3919
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